Friday, December 13, 2013

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

One of my favorite side dishes to order, prepared in my very own kitchen. Special shout out to my SO who is one of those people who cook amazing dishes without recipes. I have to force him to measure out everything and show me step by step how it's done. There will be many more dishes to come from him.


and After!

Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Serves: 1-2

Brussels Sprouts - half pound
Bacon - 2 slices, cut into bite size pieces
Honey Mustard - 1/2 tbsp
Balsamic Vinegar - splash

Optional: grated parmesan cheese, thyme.

1. Place brussels sprouts in bowl. Cover and microwave for 3 minutes.
2. Heat pan with generous amount of olive oil. Add bacon.
3. Cook until bacon is near crispy, lower heat to medium and add in brussels sprouts.
4. Stir and make sure the brussels sprouts are completely coated with olive oil. Close lid.
5. After about 2-3 minutes, open the lid and check on the sprouts. If the pan looks dry, add a splash of water and close lid again to steam. Repeat this process about 3-5 times, which should take about 15-20 minutes. Ensure that the brussels sprouts are cooked through in the center and have a nice sear.
6. To finish, add a splash of balsamic vinegar to the pan and stir. Follow by the honey mustard. Stir and turn off heat. Season with salt and pepper.
7. [optional] Top with grated parmesan cheese and thyme for serving.

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